Sunday, January 12, 2025

Such a Good Boy - Cerberus of the Third Circle

 Hi there!

'Gluttony' is the Third Circle of the Abyss. Dante describes that it's guardian is a giant three-headed hound named 'Cerberbus'. 

Most of the models for Cerberus has him in some kind of ferocious pose, whereas I wanted something more of a guard dog vibe. I found this model on Thingiverse which, while a bit soft in detail, fits closer to what I had in mind.

This was a fairly fast job with the airbrush using a variety of ink layers to give the beast's coat a bit of depth (Panzer Grey base, lifted by adding IJA Light Grey Green. Then highlighted with increasing levels of white being added. Finally the shade areas were shot in with Shylish Purple Contrast for a more spookly look.) Eyes/socket areas were sprayed in with light grey and then glazed with yellow and orange.

I think he just needs a scritch behind the ears (all six) and some treats and he'll be quite chill. Now, how to leash him...

I'm sure I have a treat in my robe somewhere...


- Curt



  1. Nice work Curt, those eyes are horrific!!!!

  2. In a 'good' way I hope! Thanks Ray. :)

  3. Fantastic light effects.
    Plus, I feel I can die now: I've seen a Dante miniature.

    1. Cheers Matthew. Gosh, there seems to be a figure for everything now. I fully expect that my accountant has been scanned for his D&D character...


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