'Yes, superglue Kent's fingers together! Excellent!! Now, the rest of you, get painting!' |
Hi All! The Painting Challenge is just finishing it's second week and we've already had over 60 entries from talented hobbyists from all over the world. The Challenge has generated over 8 thousand visitors and is climbing daily. Along with the excellent and varied submissions, I find that the good-will, good-humour and mutual support has been pretty awesome. Though it's a bit a scramble to keep on top of, it has been a rush watching it progress.
My vacation ends today, and while it's been great to be able to post stuff pretty much when it arrives I really can't sustain this schedule. (These annoying things called 'careers' - whoever invented them should be shot.) So starting today I will start posting batch updates of each day's submissions during the evenings. I may be able to get some posts up during daytime hours, but it will be sporadic.
On to more fun stuff. At my initial announcement of the Challenge I stated that there would be prizes for the top three finishers who've accrued the most points. Well, in addition to this I've decided to add to the fun and so announce that we're going to have awards for several other categories as well:
Challengers' Choice: This award will be determined only by those taking part in The Challenge. At its conclusion all participants will be asked to secretly vote for their favorite entry (and, no Ray, you cannot vote for your own...)
Judge's Choice: Pretty simple, this will be my favorite submission. Bribes, gifts and overt favours will be duly taken into account...
People's Choice: This will be a poll that I will issue at the Challenge's conclusion for our visitor/commentors to vote for their favorite Challenge submission.
Sarah's Choice: This award is being sponsored by Sarah, my better half (well, more like 7/8s), who will give out a prize for her favorite historical female figure.
So there you have it. Lots of treats and incentives for all to aspire to.
We will now resume our normal programming....