I had a bizarrely uncharacteristic, freakishly blazing desire to get some terrain pieces done - so I ran with the urge before I came to my senses.
I'm a big fan of the products from Architects of War. Their stuff is durable, characterful and very robust. I realize the cost of their kits are often at a premium, but I reason that good quality terrain is like 'a gift that keeps on giving' - once it's done it's always a treat to put on the table. So here are five items from their stock-list that I've managed to bash out over the past few weeks:
a tobacco field,
'Wait, dude, is that, like, cannabis?' Now, talk about a terrain objective... |
the water well,
I really wanted to put a tiny teddy bear laying on the lip of the well but Sarah said that was too dark, even for me. |
a Dark Age stone hut,
'Don't get put off by the whole 'hut' thing. Rather, think of it as a minimalist starter home...' |
two pink pigs in their poke,
Orville and Wilbur daydreaming of a world that hates bacon. |
and finally, a machine-gun emplacement.
From the pages of 'Better Holes & Trenches': the self composting MG nest. |
This piece will come in handy for WWII skirmish games like 'Bolt Action', 'Chain of Command', etc. |
Remove the top of the emplacement and you get a rather grisly knocked-out version. Yeesh! |
To be frank I'm not completely cured of the terrain-making bug (well, it's more just assembling/painting), so I may have a few more items rolling off the table over the next little while.