Dave brings out the big guns with this huge points entry.
From Dave:
Having completed my initial point target (600) or the Challenge , it seems to have got the paint well and truly flowing. Having completed a Sudan "caravan" as part of the challenge, this has go me interested in the Sudan project again. So the return to the Sudan is well and truly up and running. Fortunately I had already "de-sprued" a box or several - ok lets say 10 - of the 28mm Perry Ansar, it was time to crack on and assemble a bunch of them, mix in a few of the metal casualty and command figures and lets see what happens. For this next phase I decided to do several larger units of early Beja - you get about 26 out of a box. So here we have the first of them. Given the sheer number to do, these are very much a "paint the unit" rather than the "individual". You know the saying - quantity has a quality all of it own..
This one is made of 85 figures and 4 prone casualties. The flags are from The Virtual Armchair General.
Those of you taking part in the Facebook group will have seen the progress of these over the last month. They are airbushed in a mix of two shades of brown, the hair and weapon black base completed. Then the whole figure is given a dark black.brown wash, cloth is painted in range of 5 different shades in a random combination. This is then given a lighter wash. The flesh tops are then highlighted in a thin dark earth colour. Spears and shield highlight wood complete and then a good coat of a gloss varnish - which is just a personal thing as I think it helps a bit to keep these figures together over the year and it fills out joint problems etc. A matt varnish over, do the metals and base up.
... more along shortly.
Oh , and new points target 2250...
Whoa! And with this entry Dave has picked up Millsy's gauntlet and drops his own points bomb... Absolutely amazing stuff. The photos are brilliant and really show these tribesmen off well. I like that off in the distance we can see what is coming over the next few days...
These Ansar will give Dave an impressive 437 points and notice he has picked the same revised points target as KevH. The game is truly afoot! Well done Mr. D!