I'm feeling irrepressibly lazy today so I'll let Phil describe his own stuff:
First off, four Indian peasant farmers/herders for (you guessed it) Pulp gaming. They are from the Perry plastic Ansar box, made up of the less obviously African bits, I think I can get away with using them as peasants from the Indian subcontinent or indeed Africa. They have minor conversions to de-weapon them, one got a greenstuff hoe, two pointy bamboo sticks and one walking stick for the elderly gentleman (who seems to be setting quite a pace regardless!) The two with pointed sticks may one day herd an elephant, once I fork out for one.
Next up, a Talbot 1927 van. A repaint of a Matchbox 'Models of Yesteryear' diecast. Really nice range of models, perfect size and pretty cheap to buy. I would love to put a transfer on the big blank side panel but don't have anything suitable at the moment. 'British Archaelogical Society' perhaps? My freehand skills won't stretch to that, but I did give it a numberplate.
Thirdly, what is Pulp without Nazis? Another part of my brothers birthday gift. The four on the right are Artizan. The others I'm not sure, Perhaps Bolt Action? They seem to be sentries, one checking papers and the other having crafty cig. Sculpts aren't the same quality as the Artizan. All are painted as early war (I hope!), to get into a more Pulpy timeframe. Didn't enjoy painting these, not my best work and not sure the colours are right. But they are ok and will do a job as mooks for the officers I entered last time.
They look great, Phil! These guys (and the truck) will give you 58 points.