Sunday, January 22, 2012

From TimB: 28mm Norman Infantry & Celtic Woman (70 points)

Tim is hosting a big Dark Age event next month so he is bending his will (like Sauron) to getting as many figures done-up as possible in preparation of that. Accordingly we have here another twelve Norman infantry plus a Celt woman brandishing a grisly trophy.

Again, Tim did a great job with hand-painting his shield devices.

The Normans are from the Crusader Miniature range while the woman is a Warlord figure.

It kinda troubled me that Sarah particularly liked this figure when she saw it...

This group will give Tim a base of 65 points bit I'm going to add another four for the shields and another for the work on the Celtic woman's frock. So, 70 points total. Keep up the steam, Tim!

From PhilH: 28mm Pulp Action Figures (40 points)

Phil sends in these excellently painted Sikh infantry (led by Mr. Singh) that will support his very characterful Pulp action figures.

These are from the 28mm Artizan Design 'Thrilling Tales' collection. The car is from Corgi.

The second group predates the Challenge, but Phil sent them along to introduce his cast of characters. From left to right:

The Major, Mr Singh, Professor Hemingway (archaeologist and collector of curiosities), Squadron Leader Michaels (fop and drunkard), his fiancé, the Professor's daughter, stalwart old sailor Sean Jenkins and the ever- reliable Hawkins the butler. The man out on the hunt is as-yet unnamed. 

Very nicely done, Phil! These will net him 40 points to add to his score.