Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Napoleonic Spring-Thaw Painting Challenge!

"Take it back, Féraud. Black-Priming is not just used by effete snobs!"
In the interest of promoting a healthy lead-and-plastic arms race (and the mere hope of the end of Winter) I am hosting a 'Napoleonic Spring-Thaw Painting Challenge' to fuel the engines of productivity. The Challenge will be conducted along similar lines of the well-fought Fawcett Avenue Conscripts Fall Painting Challenge.

Painting Challenge Rules:

'The Napoleonic Spring-Thaw Painting Challenge' will extend from February 2nd to midnight May 1st.

Participants are to be members of, known to or vouched by The Fawcett Avenue Conscripts (Home or Westside Chapter). Any others who may be interested in participating are to contact me via this blog.

All model submissions are required to relate to the Revolutionary/Napoleonic period (1789-1815).

1 point per 25/28mm foot or unmounted horse figure
2 points per 25/28mm mounted figure
2 points per 25/28mm artillery piece or limber
.5 point per 15mm foot or unmounted horse figure
1 point per 15mm mounted figure
1 point per 15mm artillery piece or limber

(Other scales/models points value to be determined by The Judge)
Figures can have been previously primed to the start date (Feb 2nd) but no colour can have been applied prior to that date. In order to be scored the figures have to be based and the groundwork completed. The honour system will be followed in relation to the completion and entry of figures to the Challenge. Woe goes upon the head of anyone who besmirches themselves in the painting of toy soldiers!

On top of general bragging rights, smack talk, etc. modest prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. (Prizes will be gift vouchers (or their equivalent) from an online hobby store.)

In order to be scored, photos of the completed figures/units are required to be submitted to me (The Judge) for posting here on the Analogue Hobbies blog. Updated scoring for The Challenge will also be tracked on the blog.

The Judge (me) will participate in the competition but will not 'place' as a scoring competitor (i.e. no prizes for me).

So, there it is. I hope you take up my thrown brush (with 'white feather' attached) and join me in getting a bunch of stuff done for 'The Beautiful Game'!