Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Paris of Troy

Hi there!

For my entry for 'Lust', the 2nd Circle of the Abyss, I have here Paris of Troy on his chariot. 

As the myth goes, Zeus (aka 'The Big Horny Coward') had Paris choose the most beautiful amongst Athena, Hera and Helen of Sparta (the proxy for Aphrodite). He chose Helen.  Not being able to master himself, Paris stole Helen from her husband Menelaus. As if this situation wasn't bad enough, Menelaus was also the king of Sparta, which made matters exponentially worse for Paris and the Trojan people.

The abduction of Helen instigated the Trojan War which lasted 10 years, cost thousands of lives, and the destruction of Troy itself. In Dante's 'Divine Comedy' Paris' lust for Helen sees him committed to the Second Circle of Hell. 

Oh well, on the bright side at least he has Helen there to keep him company.

I chose to depict Paris mounted in a chariot armed with his trusty (some ancient chroniclers would say cowardly) bow.

This is a stl purchase from Wargames Atlantic. A really nice kit. I scaled it down to 20mm for printing so it would fit in with the rest of my Trojan War collection (some of those previous lads are seen here legging it alongside Paris). 

In the last pic we see Paris speeding away as he and his bow have an upcoming date with Achilles...

Thanks for dropping in!

- Curt


  1. Beautiful work, and a great write-up, Curt! Your line "Zeus (aka 'The Big Horny Coward')" made me laugh.
    Anyway, you've really given the models a Bronze-Age feel.

    1. Hey thanks Matthew! I'm having fun with these themes we're painting to. Next one you may like as well. Cheers for dropping by.

  2. Excellent job. Actually working on a Mycenaean/ Minoan DBA army right now so this is good inspiration

    1. Thank you Ian! My efforts are pretty small and focused, but I am enjoying the process.


Thanks for your comment! As long as you're not a spam droid I'll have it up on the blog soon. :)