From IanW:
After submitting the ultimate villain in the bad boys round I was going to use this figure as his foil but was feeling that all my bonus rounds were rather cheap point grabs being single figure. So I have subbed him for another more time consuming effort and instead you get Churchill in all is glory.
Problem is, he is not that colourful but my wife came up with the idea of a Union Flag draped over the base to give it some pop. Well I was not up for painting it on so surfed the nett until I found one to suit and here we go. I will hasten to add that Winston is not STANDING on the Union, I cut out the feet and moulded it around.
So thanks to Cath he is that bit more interesting and colourful!
This is awesome Ian! Kudos to Cath for the flag idea - brilliant. Hmm, I really need one of these for my upcoming 'The Eagle has Landed' game...
Winston will give Ian 5 points.
'Never in the field of a painting conflict was so much owed to so few (points)....'
Here's one for you Ian:
Here's one for you Ian: