From Ian:
Finally I have plucked up the courage to add my Samurai to the mix, unlike most of the others, mine seems to be a peace loving thoughtful type, yep first to die then. He is a Oriental Blades Miniature and my first play with Static Grass.
Next up thirty nine Russian and two German 15mm Forged in Battle figures that brings to a close the 3D Sniper idea. These were the worst of the three nations that I painted. The sculps were not as good, I had the idea that the sculptor was not really sure where some of the belts went which lead in many cases to two belts becoming just the one. But on the plus side they did paint up fairy fast.
Now onto finishing the Baccus WSS command and doing a few ECW regiments.
Very nice work on the 15s, but I must say the pièce de résistance is your Samurai. Beautiful work Ian! I really like the pattern on his kimono, the blue grips on his swords and his pensive face (maybe his topknot is too tight). Thanks very much Ian!
This group of 15mm WWII infantry along with the contemplative Ronin #14 will give Ian 100 points.