Sunday, April 3, 2011

From Greg: 28mm Foundry Austrian 10th Hussars (test group)

Greg has decided to keep up the steam and go straight into his next regiment of cavalry to augment his Austrian collection. Here we have the beginnings of the 10th Hussars. These are 28mm Foundry castings (Perry sculpts). Greg typically likes to do a few test models, where he works out his colour palette and layering process, then he proceeds to bash away at a furious pace.

This is what he decided upon for these models:

"For the pelisse, I used GW Enchanted Blue for a base coat, GW Hawk Turquoise as the main colour, with sparse highlights of GW Ice bBue. The cords and lace are all GW Snakebite Leather base, with GW Sunburst Yellow as the main colour.  For the cords and lace and everything else on the pelisse, I struggled to get the details, so I put a wash of GW Devlan Mud (we use that wash for everything) on the lace on the pelisse and the the coat. I was worried it would muffle the yellow, but the result seems OK.

On the sabretache, I bodged a line of yellow and dark blue, with a squiggle of gold in the centre to represent the royal cipher the Hussars' had on the case."

Greg's not sure if he'll be able to finish the entire regiment by the end of the Painting Challenge so I've allowed him to 'penny packet' a few bases at a time (though it would be a great effort to see them all before May's deadline). So, here are 4 more points for Greg (and the sneaky bugger pips me out of second place)! Beautiful stuff, Greg!