I'm a big fan of Andrew's work, particularly his Dark Age figures (see here and here).
So, being the cheeky git that I am I 'invited' him to paint me a Viking figure for my collection. The man, being a consumate gentleman in not telling me to get stuffed, acquiesced and so I present to you the fruits of my impertinence: 'Loknar' the Viking.
He's pretty awesome, huh. I quite like his stripped trousers and shield, but oddly enough I especially dig his beard and braids. I'm thinking the dude could go into the scandinavian Death Metal scene if the whole viking thing doesn't work out for him.
Thanks so much Andrew! He'll take a proud place amongst my other honoured Vikings from last year's Challenge. (And yes Fran and Ray, I will get a post up featuring the whole group - I promise!)
Loknar will give Andrew 15 points.