Wednesday, March 21, 2012

From Curt: The Last Post - 2nd Annual Analogue Hobbies Winter Painting Challenge

Well everyone, we've done it! After three months of mad building, painting and basing the Challenge has finally reached its conclusion. And boy, am I knackered! I took the day off today knowing I'd be deluged with entries, and I was very, very busy with 20 submissions rolling in right until the last minute (yes, you Ray!).

Below is the list of participants and their final scores for the 2nd Annual Analogue Hobbies Winter Painting Challenge:

RayR: 4940 
KentG: 4724
TimB: 3385
FranL: 2152 
SteveM: 2044
ChrisP: 2029
DaveD: 1975
MilesR: 1061
GregB: 1019
JohnM: 1000
IanW: 900 
MikeW: 867
Curt: 791
Scott: 695
PhilH: 519
JuanM: 446
ChristopherS: 442
DallasE: 420
Michael: 315
JohnB: 310
RossM: 269
TimmyD: 138
Sylvain: 90
PaulP: 34

As I stated from the beginning I've always envisioned the Challenge not to be a competition where painting is judged, but rather an event where people of all abilities can challenge themselves to 'get stuff done' and more so to enjoy the energy, good will and camaraderie of other like-minded souls.  

In regards to the success of the Challenge, the 24 participants submitted 273 entries from all their corners of the world. As a merry band, we generated just over 30,000 points, which if roughly equated to 5 points per figure, equates to well over 6000 miniatures painted and based. That is freakin' incredible.

It was an amazing event with all of the guys being gracious, supportive and such good sports. It was also a great experience for me and I'm delighted to have made many new friends over the past few months. So to all you guys I lift my glass - you made my winter very entertaining and enjoyable!

So, before my blog returns to its sleepy corner of the blogosphere I thought it apropos to close the Challenge with a rear-guard entry of my own. I'm afraid its negligible in comparison to the titans at the top of the point standings, but nonetheless I humbly present a battalion of Portuguese infantry accompanied by a lone French unit/casualty marker to add to my others

Thats 145 points for me... ;)

So, until we meet next winter I wish you all the best of health, happiness and an unerring brush.

Warm regards,


PS: Be sure to check back in the coming weeks as we conduct the Judges Choice, People's Choice and Sarah's Choice. I'll also be posting shots of all the lovely Vikings that I coerced the Challengers to paint for me as 'Curtgeld'. Oh the suspense, the bright lights, the glamour!

From RayR: 15mm Russian Artillery (432 points)

Remember what I said about Ray and 'sandbagging' - well he should have his face under the description in the dictionary...

What we have here is 24 batteries of Russian guns for the Russo-Japanese War. Amazing!

There are 12 Old Glory guns and crews and 12 from Irregular Miniatures - all 15mm.

This veritable artillery park will give Ray 432 points, which in turn will give him a grand total of 4940! Right under the wire, you sneaky git. Congratulations Ray!