Monday, March 10, 2014

From AndrewS: 20mm Nubian Warriors ( 200 points)

Well it's high time I made another submission so here are another 3 Nubian warbands.

There are a total of 48 x 20mm figures here and they are like all the previous submissions finished with unit distinctions on the loin protectors, stippled shields and plenty of spear conversions.
This is the penultimate batch so I have almost completed the entire army, I cant say much more as in truth it has all been said with previous submissions.

Ah, I could be wrong but I get a sense from Andrew's uncharacteristic brevity that we are seeing the early signs of Paint Challenge Fatigue (PCF).  I really don't blame him as he's put in a titanic effort these past three months. With this entry Andrew's total will weigh in at 3298 points. Astonishing.

These may seem like old hat to you Andrew but they're as impressive now as when you first debuted the army. Lovely work.

200 points for you, Mr. S.


  1. Great work Buddy.
    We are gonna have so much fun with these.
    Well done..

  2. Inspired by you I may pick up some 20mm plastics this weekend. Very nice to see them getting done.

  3. I don't know how you've kept up the pace, but you have. This is another stunning entry!

  4. Superb entry. I'm amazed at your productivity as I'm struggling with a bit of Curt's afore mentioned "PCF" and I'm but half your total

  5. Another cracker Andrew. I burnt out way before you did mate. Congrats for keeping up the pace right to the line.

  6. Excellent work, both in quality and quantity!

    You are clearly possessed of arcane powers.

  7. Great looking troops - a clear statement on how good 20mm can look. Best, Dean

  8. Excellent work, Andrew! You did a fabulous job on these chaps again.

  9. We really need to see a shot of all this stuff together.

  10. I second Dave, that would be a fantastic sight, even better bring them to blog-con :-)



Thanks for your comment! As long as you're not a spam droid I'll have it up on the blog soon. :)