Thursday, January 9, 2014

From MartinN: 28mm WWI Russians & WWII Germans and British Paras (40 points)

Martin (aka 'Nick') sends in this wonderful set of miniatures for his emerging Great War project and further reinforcements for his enviable WWII collection.

From Nick:
As I finally decided to let my Great War games take place on the eastern front I ordered a pack of White Russian Officers from the Copplestone Russian Civil War range.These were intended as a test what colours to use and if they fit the bill. After all I'm rather pleased with the outcome and probably will stick to the range for further reinforcements.
The white bearded Officer is meant to be the Captain of the force in beeing. He wears the blue trouser of a cavalry general to further distinguish him from his fellow officers and NCO's.
I went for blue shoulderboards instead of the most commonly seen red ones if I should ever plan expand the project into the Russian Civil War and therefore reserve the red shoulderboards for the Reds.
Next are two WW2 Fallschirmjäger. Both models are from Warlord Games and rather crappy to paint as they're varying greatly in casting quality. Lots of mould lines and flash with sometimes quite weak detail.

The guy on the left is carrying a FG-42 Assault Rifle. At the moment I'm experimenting with my base sizes. I decided to go for hexagonal Bases for heroes, officers and NCO's but for the rank and file I'm pending between 20mm and 25mm round bases.

Last but not least two Red Devils also from Warlord Games. Contrary to the Fallshirmjägers I really love these sculpts. They're full of crisp details although there are some minor mould limes. As I'm rather disappointed with all my different basing styles I'll try to stay with the kind shown here for all my modern or more recent periods.

Absolutely brilliant work Nick. I've always been a great admirer of your paint style (your faces never cease to amaze me) and these certainly don't disappoint. I'm really not sure what you don't like about your groundwork as I think its superb - I do like the integration of points-of-interest such as the planking with your Russians. 

These eight lads will give Nick 40 points. Lovely stuff Nick!


  1. Wow! Such character in the faces. Amazing painting!

  2. Oh, now they are rather special.

  3. Really nice painting and so full of character - shading, basing, details - all superb. You really have done a wonderful job. One tiny quibble would be the colour of the Para's berets - they should be maroon rather than scarlet.

    Pip pip

    1. Thanks for the kind words.You're right bout the colour of the berets but as one can see I'm a big fan of bright colours so I intentfully went for scarlet.

  4. Amazing work, particularly the Paras.
    Hopefully this will help me finally face all those Denizen smocks!

  5. Nick aka Martin

    well done. White Russians and assumed names- sounds like Buchan novel to me.


  6. Wowsers! That's some of the best stuff we've seen so far. I don't know where to start praising these sir.

    1. Yes it is. Deciding the Challenger's Choice is going to be damned impossible, especially if more of these come down the pike.

  7. Oh Lord, they're all absolutely brilliant. I love how he's done the faces, and the khaki is excellent.

  8. Excellent work on these! Lovely painting and great base work!


  9. Damn that's some fine painting!!!!!

  10. I wish I could paint that well. Inspiring.

  11. Ah wonderful and motley collection, very well painted


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