Thursday, January 9, 2014

From LordH: 28mm Napoleonic British Light Infantry (100 points)

Lord Hill adds to his monumental Napoleonic project with this excellent group of British Light Infantry.

From Lord Hill:
Here are the Light company of the 69th (South Lincolnshire) Foot. While the rest of the battalion was in square, this company (or at least what was left of it after being butchered at Quatre Bras) was thrown forward to skirmish, amalgamated as a "Light Battalion" with the other Light companies of the Brigade - the 30th, 33rd and 73rd.

The figures are 98% Victrix with a couple of Perry heads/arms/legs. One day I must learn how to take pics!

Great work Lord Hill! I like how you've mixed the two plastic ranges to make some variant poses - well done. Are all of those figures on one large base? It looks very good but making several of these must demand some strategic storage planning!

These twenty Light Bobs will give Lord Hill 100 points to add to his tally. Very nice work.


  1. Lord Hill
    Well done. A 20 man base, what did you mount them on?


  2. They look excellent. As does the groundwork!

  3. Thanks chaps - yes that's one base made of mdf. I will be doing the other companies on small bases but the light companies I thought I'd try on one big one.

  4. One base?!? Crikey that's good but I don't envy you the storage issues :-)

  5. If I'd just seen the photos, and not read the write-up, I would have sworn these were 54mm. These are superb. You must be really pleased and proud of these chaps.

    Pip pip

  6. Amazing. Excellent effort on the base.

  7. Thanks again everyone! Especially the Provost Marshall! :)

  8. Excellent work, that base in itself is wonderful but the figures really push it further.

    I have a new favourite


  9. I have always steered clear of Napoleonic's but seeing these is tipping the balance I might have to give them a try. Excellent!


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