Tuesday, January 15, 2013

From RobP: 28mm ACW Union Infantry 'Irish Brigade' (124 points)

Rob, the second member of the Dutch Waterbicycle Detachment throws his hat into the ring with this fine regiment of the Fighting Irish, the 88th New York. 

From Rob:

Here is my first entry: the 88th New York. I have been overloaded with work at year end and also the fact these are Redoubt figures did not help in getting up to speed... The molds are getting really old on these figs I guess; a lot of filing, cutting and filling gaps has been necessary.
Now that the colour scheme is clear, and the the figures that needed the most work done, I will be on a roll with the next stuff and catch up to my time schedule. This bunch is part of what will be the entire Irish Brigade which I plan to paint up  over the coming weeks. I already have one regiment done but it was outside the competition timeframe. 
Next up is the 69th New York along with some odd stuff, bits and pieces... 

Those greatcoated lads look riled and ready to storm Marye's Heights - brilliant stuff! 

These Irishmen, with their brave banners will give Rob 124 points as his entry in the points standings.


  1. That's a good start to the challenge, very nice looking guys, when your done with them all they will have a great table presence.

  2. Nice looking troops Rob and Curt I think you mean Irish Brigade and not Iron Brigade.


    1. Yep, thanks. That's what happens when you blog at past one in the morning...

  3. Good stuff, Rob. Erin go bragh! I have a soft spot in my heart both for Redoubt figures and for the Irish Brigade. I hope you will enter Redoubt's Col. Meagher and Father Corby set in the Challenge.
    Well done!

  4. Great looking unit Rob.
    You just have to put the Irish Brigade in greatcoats, you just have to.


Thanks for your comment! As long as you're not a spam droid I'll have it up on the blog soon. :)