Wednesday, January 2, 2013

From MichaelF: 15mm WWII American Infantry 'The Big Red One' (102 points)

Michael debuts with this very nice group of 15mm American infantry.

From Michael:
15mm US Rifle platoon

In order to achieve my personal goal this year I came up with a new strategy for the first Month: Bigger brush, smaller miniatures and on top of that my first real attempt using Quickshade Ink...
Once in a while I get distracted from the 28s and this time I decided to join a couple of the guys here who are heavy into 15mm WWII. These are Battlefront Miniatures based for Flames of war and probably be used for IABSM3 as well. 
I've painted better quality figs to be honest but they will do the job for this quick project. If all goes according plan I have six different platoons ready in the first Month of the challenge so I can switch back to 28 which seems so easy after this. 
These were actually ready before Xmas but I lost my camera USB cable which is bad news for a blogger. Anyway, new cable is in, the first infantry platoon and HQ of 'The Big Red One' ready and first points on the board.

There's really not much you can do with Olive Drab but you've made them look great Michael. They also benefit from the excellent basework you've provided them. Well done!

This platoon will give Michael 102 points for his entry on the roster. Nice to see the first of  'The Dutch Waterbicycle Detachment' make its appearance!


  1. Rather nice Yank's and Igree with Kurt, the Olve Drab is a bit flat to work with but you breathed life into it and these look good


  2. Replies
    1. Bigger brush, smaller miniatures.... don't tell Ray!!!

  3. They look terrific Michael and in many ways painting 15mm figures to high standard such as this is no easy task!



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