Saturday, December 28, 2024

Mar-a-Lago Militia - The Boggs

Hey Y'all,

I return to my ACWII project with these colourful denizens from the dark, dank swamps of south Florida. I give you the Bogg family. 

In my wondrous, fictitious, fantastical and terrifying 'Merica they they are part of the local Mara-a-Lago Militia, fiercely loyal to Father Dagon and 'The King in Orange' (Yellow being so very passe these days). 

The Boggs (distant cousins to their Yankee Innsmouth relations, the Marsh family) are a spiteful, vain, and oily clan. They revel in their own stupidity, are selfish, hate outsiders and rarely listen to reason.

Yes, they very much have 'the Mar-a-Lago look'.





Jo Lean

These figures are Deep One Hybrids, 3d prints from KLT Studio. I had fun working with their flesh tones, giving them a fishy look about them, but in the end they sort of have a Simpson vibe going on, which makes me smile as I can easily envision an episode where he Boggs cause chaos amongst the good folk of Springfield. :)

Next Up: A Low-Rent Security Force

- Curt 


  1. Great work on these Curt. Definitely a terrifying bunch!

    1. Cheers Bill. They are scary AF, for sure. :)

  2. Oh cool, bring this project back. Check out Pendrakens Milita miniatures line. They got some guys that I think will be up your alley.
    Urban armed rioters in hoodies, rural militia types etc.

    1. Thanks! Yes, those Survivalists look quite interesting...

  3. Wonderful and completely repulsive work! I like the notion that they are simultaneously horrific deep-ones and goofy residents of Springfield.
    Incidentally, I really like the see-through bases that you use. It's a great idea.

    1. Thank you Mathew! I need to a scenario involving donuts and the local nuclear reactor in meltdown...


Thanks for your comment! As long as you're not a spam droid I'll have it up on the blog soon. :)