Saturday, November 21, 2015

Switching Over to the Painting Challenge Blog

Please, let me connect you...

Hey Folks! Now that the ball is rolling, let's officially switch over to the official Painting Challenge blog and we can carry on over there. There is also a link on the top navigation bar, leftmost button (see below).

See you after the jump! 



  1. A quick question Curt if you don't mind. How do I get to be a member on the Challenge painting blog again? I assume we are doing it this way again.


    1. Hi Christopher! I just sent you an author invite to the Challenge Blog. Let me know if you don't get it.

  2. Another quick question, is the challenge purely about quantity, is there a minimum standard for painting? I currently paint 28mm figures and lavish about 3 hours painting time per figure, but I can paint 60 28mm figurers per day.

    1. Thanks for the question Steve. I leave their output entirely up to the participants. The Challenge is not a artistic painting contest, rather it is about getting re-inspired with the hobby. The Challengers are made up of people with a wide variety of skills and abilities, which really adds to the fun, so I make sure not to mess with a good thing.

  3. I'm a bit late to the party, is there still room for me in this years challenge? I think Ste is interested too and we may have a LOTR side challenge or something up our sleeves...

    1. Of course! I had a space reserved for you Scott. Ste is has already checked in so you're all good to go.


Thanks for your comment! As long as you're not a spam droid I'll have it up on the blog soon. :)