Wednesday, January 22, 2014

From DaveD: 28mm Challenge Desperado: Alfredo 'Loco' Garcia (35 points)

Dave sends in his Challenge Desperado with this wonderful paired versions of Alfredo 'Loco' Garcia.

From Dave:
Ok , so here we have Curt's Challenge entry figure/s. How could I pass up the the opportunity to do a Wild West figure in my trademark poncho? So here we have the foot and mounted version - twice the fun on poncho patterns , but over the last few years of Old West gaming I have found you really do need to have some mounted guys as well. After all how is your hero/villain going to make good his getaway? 
These are by Wargames Foundry. I have done at a bit of minor work to the mounted version soldering on some reins, needed particularly as the left hand would just have been grabbing air, so he is unique to you as well.
Its almost western tradition to have the Mexican as mad or "loco". But hmm Peckinpah..OK , lets call him "Alfredo - loco - Garcia" ... now when you fight with him you get to say the  line  "bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia"...
He will be heading across the pond shortly.
Lovely work Dave and thank you! The ponchos and custom modified reins are brilliant while the dual figure combo is class all the way. Alfredo Garcia, deluxe with both his head and horse, will give Dave 35 points. 

Brilliant and thanks again Dave!


  1. Wonderful work Dave :)

    Replicating the design on 2 ponchos must have been a bit trying

    1. Thanks, er yes I did wonder at my sanity at one point.

  2. Outstanding work! The ponchos are amazing.

  3. What a corker. The poncho pattern is brilliant!

  4. Very nice work and those ponchos look great señor David!


  5. Excellent work. Duplicating the pattern is a good effort.

  6. Really nice work Sir, the painting of the ponchos really brought them to life.

    Pip pip

  7. Looking at your desperadoes makes me wish I had done those instead of my own. Outstanding.


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