Sunday, August 12, 2012

Work in Progress: Austrian 1st Uhlan Regiment 'Schwarzenberg'

Here is a quick work-in-progress post. Something Napoleonic for the grognards out there. These twelve lads have been haunting my paint desk, half done, for nearly four years now. 

They began as an eBay purchase, being listed as 28mm Foundry French Imperial Guard Lancers. After getting them I dutifully cleaned them up, made some lances and pennants, primed them and then started in on the painting. Not long afterwards I began to notice some anomalies such as the absence of the distinctive 'N' sunburst plate on the czapska, odd uniform cording and anachronistic horse furniture. It was only after I finished a couple test models that it finally dawned on me that these were not French Lancers at all, but Austrian Uhlans (facepalm)!

While they were technically enemies (even though they were both ethnically Polish in composition), the uniform cut between these two regiments was so very close that I believe I could have just bodged along without too many noticing my gaff.

Nonetheless, as it turned out my good friend Greg was kind enough to gift me an entire units worth of the new Perry Dutch Red Lancers as thanks for making sure he showed up at his wedding (thanks again Greg!) so I felt compelled to redo these fellows in proper Austrian colours - I decided to go with the 1st Regiment of 'Schwarzenberg' Uhlans.

So here is a completed test model that I will use as the basis for the group. I really like the uniform colours of this regiment - the dark green, yellow and red are quite sharp (and I'm a complete sucker for those crazy looking czapskas).

The other eleven are close to completion so I hope to have this regiment off my desk in the next month or so. I'll post up some pics when they're ready for the cabinet.

Update: Here is a photo of the completed unit. If you wish to see the full post on them follow this link.


  1. Four years, crikey!

    Are you enjoying painting colour more these days, with the greyscale project in full swing?

    1. Yeah, the reason for the four years is that I don't really collect Austrians so the impetus has not been there to get them done. Nonetheless, my French are pretty much done so I'm finding I have more time to experiment with other stuff from the period.

      In regards to getting back to painting in colour: Yes absolutely! The greyscale project is a lot of fun but it has also given me a whole new appreciation for glorious, garish technicolour!

  2. They look very special, great painting Curt.

  3. Yes very nice indeed. I also was thinking I bet you like going full colour for a change. And yes 4 years IS a long time.


    1. Cheers Ian. Its good to break-up the time with various projects AND it allows me to focus to get some old stuff (like this) off the hobby desk. After seeing your recent 6mm work I've been hankering to return to my microscale collection in order to do a few additions.

  4. These will be a great looking unit Curt. Test fig is awesome!

    1. Cheers Rodger, I'm looking forward to seeing the whole unit done and arrayed (and off my table!)

  5. Now that is exactly why I view Napoleonics with some trepidation; the research needed to get your head around the uniforms seems vast! Having said that when I see such wonderfully painted troops as these I can't help thinking it would be fun to have a go.

    1. Its true, the Napoleonic period is a huge topic but for me the research is a good portion of the fun - at times the figures seem almost ancillary. The good news for people just starting out is that the internet provides a huge knowledge base right at your fingertips.

  6. Excellent work - 4 years is, indeed, a long time to be sentenced to the painting desk but I suspect most of us have a similar unit or two in similar straights. I have a Perry "Napoleon and his staff" set that's going on it's fourth year with just having the flesh painted. I guess that's a miniatures equivalent of Elba!

    1. Ha, indeed! I have thousands of the little blighters in storage cabinets awaiting their time in the sun.

  7. Great work, I believe I have the same unit painted up, but maybe it is the 3rd Uhlans I have done. It is amazing how half-painted figures can linger on the shelf. I have some cacadores and some highlanders in the same state of status.


    1. Thanks John. Highlanders with their bloody kilts just invite procrastination and I'm sure you are in good company with taking your time with them.

    2. Bashed my highlanders out in just a few months!

      Never again though...

    3. ... and I'm sure you're mentally scared from the experience. I've always wondered how those new tartan decals work. I think they're only available for the Victrix range of Highlanders which is a shame. I have a whole regiment of 36 of the Perry Jocks all patiently waiting for me to screw-up the courage and jump in.

    4. Curt

      My suggestion on the highlanders is to forget the details and get the look right on the table. In real life at any reasonable distance and with any movement on the kilt the actual tartan pattern disappears into a blur of green, earth tones and rust red. That was actually the plan - as tartans were originally meant to provide camouflage on the bracken covered heath.


  8. Curt

    Very nice. I'd love to see your Nappys on the table - that is once I get my sh*t together and get ElCid together for Hail Caesar.


    1. You will Peter. I'm sure we'll get something together later this summer or early autumn. In the meantime I'm looking forward to our upcoming Hail Caesar game!

  9. Really nice and colourful unit, looking forward to see the final outcome.... As for the four years standing in line I have a full Citadel Elf Army in boxes bought in.... 1990!!

    1. Thanks very much! I hear you about projects in storage. I still have figures from when I had a game store in 1986! Its a sickness really but I love it.

  10. Very nice work. It is a very devout Regiment, four years waiting for your attention!!!

    1. Ha! Thanks Juan. Yes they have been a very patient bunch. If I acted the same way in my home life I'd be a very lonely man!

  11. Looking very smart Curt, well done so far. Look forward to seeing them completed.

  12. Austrian Lancers! Sweeet. Looks great dude.

    1. Yup, they'll be ready to join your cavalry brigade when you're here next (much to the chagrin of my poor French infantry).

  13. Great result!

    BTW, I often find myself looking at minis thinking "I can not find this item in any of my reference material" even if absolutely sure which unit from a given nation they are meant to represent, so I can understand being well into the painting process before realising that the seller had mislabeled it!

  14. Well I thought I took a long time to finish a unit, but 4 years!! Seriously though it looks to be a cracking lovely looking unit!


  15. Fine fellows Curt,
    There is nothing like completing figures that have been sitting around eye balling for a few years to lift the spirits!!!

  16. Lovely painting job!! I admire your patience ;)

  17. Thanks guys! My hobby desk is roughly organized along two 'streams'. One is for the active projects that I want to get done for an upcoming game or specific deadline, while the other 'stream' is those lackadaisical projects that really float along, getting completed at their own meandering pace. Admittedly that 'pace' can be pretty glacial at times!

  18. Four fecking years, lovely but 4 fecking years!

    1. Thanks Fran! Yes, I can be a bit glacial with some projects...

  19. Man they look good really nice work, and if everybody was truthful there' some project started thats sitting around unfinished that haunts most of us. Love the green awesome work

    1. Thanks very much Kent! You're probably right about those long-standing projects. I find that publicly shaming myself provides good impetus to get stuff done!


Thanks for your comment! As long as you're not a spam droid I'll have it up on the blog soon. :)