Hi All!
First, Happy Labour Day Long Weekend! I hope that for those who observe the holiday, you're enjoying a nice, relaxing day off.
Today I have a new character to add to our Moonstone games. This time it's a Troll who goes by the name of 'Ribald'. He seems to be an amiable sort, allowing Goblins to clamber all over him, using him as a walking cannon emplacement. He's a solid, agreeable lad, that Ribald.
Another wonderfully characterful model from the boys over at Goblin King Games.
Hmm, he needs something. What could it be? I know, it's the pose of that foot. It's too purposeful by far. |
Not being able to leave well enough alone, I decided a banana peel underfoot would set the stage nicely. So I hunted one up from Thingiverse and popped it on the base.
Now, Ribald and his greenskin gunner seem more in balance with the Karmic universe. I almost can't look. Almost. |
Ribald has an admirable badonkadonk, so I gave him a pair of 'barefoot-cut' Levis blue jeans. See, he's even sporting the iconic red label tab on the back pocket. What a fashion plate.
Ribald is now ready to cause mayhem, or have it inflicted upon him, in our future games of Moonstone.
Next Up: Some Faeries!
Have a great week everyone!